Channel Partner Network
Connect with people and companies of different industries but with similar core values, with the collective goal of providing more value to all our clients.

Cultivate relationships with leading partners and vendors so you always have access to the latest and greatest tools, technologies and partners.
Generating more qualified leads
Leveraging partner relationships
Extending your marketing
Offer clients More value
Why Join?
Looking to provide more value to your clients?
We understand the challenge of not being able to help them if their problem falls outside your expertise. But fear not!
Now you have the opportunity to truly enhance the value you bring to your clients.
Discover innovative solutions from various industries, offered by individuals and companies who prioritize putting the client first.
One of our partner specialists will reach out to show you how joining the Zog Partner Program can increase your revenue stream.

Meet Our Team

Preston Miller
Channel Manager & Sr. Business Development
Megan Vogel
Marketing Manager
Andy Pokotilow
VP of Sales